Saturday, April 24, 2010

Ft Stewart Training

The past month I have been training at Ft Stewart, GA. Most of the training that we did was infantry training. Basically a refresher of what I learned in basic training and a little more. We were up at 4:30 pretty much everyday and on the go until 8 every night.
The funnest thing I got to do was called a Heat trainer. It was a hummv that was setup to simulate a rollover. It would spin in a complete 360. The instructor would stop it at different angles and we would have to climb out as quickly as possible.
I met a lot of really cool guys that I'll be going with and of course some that will not be as fun to be around. Some of them are just so young and think they know everything.
We did a lot of tactical movements and learned how to react to different things and how to do different tasks. Our search and seizure class was the funniest. Searching people is going to be quite interesting if I have to do it.
It is very nice to be home this week and to be able to spend time with Cassie. I will cherish the time I have with her this week and look forward to many years together when I return.